We Offer Services That Involve Systematic Planning For Assurance

Assurance provides confidence in your work, and the decisions you have made. It is also a useful learning tool, to assess how you might be able to improve your social value measurement for next time. Assurance also speaks directly to Social Value Principle 7, which is to verify the result of your social value and impact.

Report Assurance

  • Assurance is a principles based assessment. It excludes the evaluation of stakeholder participation, data, and calculations.
  • Your social value or SROI study will be independently verified by our expert assessors during the Report Assurance process. We will make sure the report demonstrates a solid understanding of the ideas and applications of social values. This indicates the principle of the Values that Matter for the use of financial proxies in an SROI report. The result of your social value or impact can be used to evaluate against The Principles of Social Worth

SVI Practitioner Levels 1, 2 and 3

  • Individual practitioners can get internationally recognised certifications in social value and impact management through the SVI Professional Pathway. The three-tiered pathway supports people as they advance in social value, impact management, and the actual use of the SVI framework in social impact assessment and SROI.
  • The practitioner’s knowledge, comprehension, and application of social value and impact management are verified at each stage of the pathway, which advances from the first social value examination ever conducted to evaluations of practical skills.
  • By participating in the professional pathway, you will be able to demonstrate your skills and expertise to potential clients, employers, or partners. Not only that, but you will be joining a community of experts who are changing the way the world accounts for value.

Organisational Accreditation - Social Value Management Certificate

  • The Social Value Management Certificate is an internationally recognised assurance seal that assesses an organization’s practise in managing the social value that are created. .
  • The assurance examines not only the reporting of social value, but also the collection, analysis, and use of data to make informed decisions that improve the lives of stakeholders.
  • It does not provide proof or a statement that your organisation or programme generates a specific amount of social value, but it does demonstrate that you are implementing the necessary systems and practises to continuously improve the amount of value you generate.
  • The Social Value Management Certificate can be given to an organisation, a department, a franchise, or an individual.
  • Advantages of The Social Value Management Certificate

Product and software accreditation

Social Value Malaysia can review products and software and accredit them if they demonstrate alignment with The Principles of Social Value.

Product accreditation

Software accreditation

  1. Provision of a criteria framework that is structured by a cycle of impact management (as opposed to being listed by Social Value Principle).
  2. Criteria assessed for alignment to the Impact Management for Everyone Rubric. This has been developed in collaboration between EngagedX, SVI, UNDP: SDG Impact Finance, University of Oxford, Said Business School, ixo
  3. Updates to the criteria based on methodological updates as outlined in the Standards and Guidance of SVI.
  1. Give your customers the confidence that your tool can be used to produce an accurate social value analysis.
  2. Use our “Accredited by” logo on your software, website and promotional materials.
  3. Have your software product listed in the Accredited tools & software section of the software directory. We recommend these products to our members.
  4. Find out ways to improve the functionality of your software.
  5. Jointly create an article with SVI to announce that your software has been accredited. This announcement will be distributed through our newsletters, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn groups.
  6. Organisations with an accredited software product are invited to host a webinar for the Social Value International membership. This can focus on the functionality of the software or the problem it was developed to address.